I love that you guys are fans of New Girl, too!
How hysterical was Tuesday night’s episode? I know I’m a little behind since we DVRed it, but I was dying! Whenever you have a guy singing Wicked alone in a car and a drunk guy saying ridiculous things like, “The poison! Get it out of me,” or, “I have to go make the puke,” I’m gonna be a fan.
Breakfast this morning was prepped last night. As I was making dinner, I simultaneously cooked up a batch of steel cut oats with quinoa. We were just about out of both and I decided to mix them together which ended up being quite tasty!
I then refrigerated the oats and quinoa overnight and added them on top of a cup of strawberry banana Chobani Greek yogurt this morning.
Plus chia seeds for extra crunch and fiber!
I’ll be honest, I prefer my usual overnight oats over this combination, but it was a nice change of pace and a fun way to use up the last of our steel cut oats and quinoa.
As Ryan and I were eating breakfast this morning, we spotted a visitor.
A ginormous spider!
I made Ryan take care of it before he left for work which had Sadie all hot and bothered.
Apparently climbing on top of kitchen countertops is an activity that Sadie desperately wants to be a part of!
I’ll be honest, the whole “mouse in the house” experience at our last apartment made me much better about seeing a spider. It ain’t no thang! (Although, yes, I’ll always defer to Ryan when it comes to actually doing something about the spiders.)
Speaking of dealing with unwanted bugs, the other day when I was listening to an NPR podcast, they discussed a pretty cool little gadget.
They were talking about the announcement that the founder of SkyMall, Robert Worsley, is running for the Arizona Senate. They then started talking about some of the fantastic products you can buy through SkyMall. (I actually have an old post about some of my favorite SkyMall gems!) One of the items they discussed was the bug vac!
Pretty cool huh? I would definitely like to use that fancy little tool for cockroaches. Those things are huge and if they can survive whatever it was that wiped out the dinosaurs, I’m pretty sure I want to use something serious to get rid of them.
And now, just for fun, I must ask…
Questions of the Morning
- Have you ever purchased anything from SkyMall?
- If you had to buy one of the following SkyMall items, which would you choose:
1.) Wine Glass Holder Necklace
3.) Garden Yeti (because no backyard is complete without one)
I’m so glad you didn’t go into too many details about New Girl, haha. I didn’t comment yesterday, but I’m also a huge fan. I’m waiting until this weekend to catch up on my DVR. Such a good show!
I’ve honestly never purchased anything from SkyMall, but a Bug Vac would definitely be at the top of my list. Seriously. So helpful. 😉
P.S. Thank you for inspiring my breakfast this morning!
alyssa and julie both, you are too funny!
since I OWN one of those wineglass neckalces (frequent wine fest goer over here), I’d nab those hooded footie pajamas.
I own one too b/c of my love for wine fests (and wine in general).
Best.invention.ever. 🙂
Do you actually wear it on your neck with wine in it?! I’d be afraid I’d end up wearing my wine!!!
I don’t wear mine with wine in it, except for maybe a sip, for the same fear of spilling. They are perfect for wine festivals b/c you just hold out your glass for the wine to be poured, and then move on to the next place!
I love that there is a bug vac! When I’m home by myself and my fiance isn’t there to kill a bug, I’ll suck it through the vacuum! I am so grossed out by bugs, I can’t even kill them! It’s so much easier to use the vacuum to kill them. Haha!
I bought a bug vac for my boyfriend a few years ago as a semi-joke birthday present (he HATES spiders). It works surprisingly well (not sure it would do much for the cockroach issue though). The only issue I have with it is the little grate that zaps the spiders gets covered up by pieces of dead spider and then you have to take the vac apart and scrape them off. Aside from that – it’s great. It was pricey, but we’ve had it now for 6 years and it still works really well.
I’ve been planning to get my friend a Bug Vac for her next birthday, haha, she hates having to kill bugs! Oh my gosh, that wine glass holder is so hilarious! I think I’d have to pick the hooded footie pjs, though 🙂
warning: the bug vac is oddly expensive! i tought it would be like $20!
*thought 🙂
Oh yeah, I would have thought it would be around $20, too – thanks for the heads up! Might have to do some bargain hunting, haha.
tweety bird
Ha ha everytime we are flying, I always ask my husband if we need the Yeti! Lol too funny! I have to say though that the wine glass holder is definitely in competition with the Yeti 😉 How perfect would that be on New Year’s Eve ! Lol
Hahahah! That Garden Yeti is terrifying! I’d absolutely go with the wine glass holder 🙂
That quinoa/steel cut oats combination is really interesting! I never would have thought of that! Definitely a great way to use the last of a few items in the pantry!
Have a great day!
I would definitely go for the Wine Glass Holder Necklace…I like going to wine festivals, and this would allow me to just wear it rather than carry it–win!
Ohh id be freaking out!! I do not mind bugs out in nature but I do.not. want them in my house! I was terrified when a bat flew into my basement last fall.
I NEED the bug vac! I always think they are going to fall on me. I have goosebumps just thinking about it haha
Definitely the hooded footy pajamas! How comfortable would those be in the depths of winter. Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night might be a problem though…
Haven’t bought anything yet, but if our next place only has a balcony (no yard), I’m definitely buying the Porch Potty for my dog! I can see them being somewhat popular with city-dwellers 😉
I’ve never bought anything from SkyMall, but I love that it keeps me entertained on the plane! My husband and I always laugh about the little ramp that helps your dogs climb up to the bed (and gag over the faux-grass pee pads!).
I’ve got to check out that show (The New Girl!). I do love Zooey Deschanel!
Ummm my husband and I may or may not have registered for a bug vac for our wedding 🙂
I love the Sky Mall magazine!! When my boyfriend and I went on our flight to Italy on vacation, we browsed the Sky Mall magazine for hours, laughing at all the different crazy items.
I love looking through SkyMail on flights.. but have never made a purchase.
My dad is KING of purchasing cheesy as seen on TV things though!
There are a ton of cheaper bug vac options on amazon. I bought this one the other day:
We get STINK BUGS at this time of year 🙁
The second I saw this title I wondered if you had listened to this week’s Wait Wait. I’m like NEVER cool but I’m taking credit for this! I love when they talked about when he dies he’s going to that big mall in the sky and his tombstone will be that zombie statue climbing out of the ground! Also, I bought my Soda Stream through Sky Mall and it’s the best thing to ever happen to me!
That’s why I’m excited to live with a boy someday, to kill bugs!! (and take care of mice)
Oh my gosh, the yeti… my husband and I do this thing where we tear out the most outrageous thing in the catalog when we fly solo and bring it back to show the other. All those odd statues have been chosen before!
Ugh I am such a sissy with bugs – that vac would come in handy! I think I’d need am extension pole, though, because even getting within arms reach of a cockroach is too much for me.
I love the New Girl! That episode had me nearly in tears. Nick is just so funny. I love looking at Sky Mall on planes but I haven’t bought anything. I’d probably go for the footed pajamas. I would be too worried about the wine glass tipping over…
um the wine glass necklace would be my purchase of choice, how convenient! However my boyfriend thinks its hilarious when he makes the Yeti noise so that may be appropriate as a gag gift for him!
Wine glass holder all the way!
haha oh yes, i always gotta laugh at the skymall stuff. i’d totally be going for the wine glass necklace! then i have a glass of wine with me all the time! 😉
I was dying when Winston was singing Wicked. That show is hysterical! “They never known Saved by the Bell or pain!”
That wine glass necklace is great, especially on days when I’m carrying a clutch handbag!
Hahhaha SkyMall is the best! I can’t say I’ve ever purchased anything from there but I always get a huge kick out of whatever they happen to be selling at the time. Maybe you could give them a call and ask if they have any patriotic and overly obnoxious looking red white and blue outfits for the party you’re going to!? 😛
we use the hose on our vacuum to suck up bugs all the time! works like a charm. but i still always make my hubby do it 🙂
On a flight last week there was a tiny dog stuffed in a carrier with a passenger one row up and one row across from me. The poor pup was really frightened so he was whining for most of the 2 hour flight. There was a really huffy lady sitting across from me (so directly behind the dog lady) who was just in a really bad mood and she spent the entire flight trying to get the dog owner to look through the SkyMall catalogue at options for her dog!
I would rather scream my head off than go kill a spider. And don’t even get me started on spider webs. ICK!
Hoodie. Footed. Pajamas. All the way!!! I’m tempted just by looking at them. They scream cozy!
I could absolutely justify the bug vac for times when my husband isn’t home!
Oh sky mall, I love how ridiculously insane those items are. It’s like they purposely recruit the crazies out there with off the wall ideas and put them into one overpriced magazine. I’d pick the garden yeti, duh.
I always love looking through the Skymall catalog when I fly. My friend’s sister-in-law once ordered all her Christmas presents on a 8 hour flight to Europe.. I’ve never ordered anything , but that Garden Yeti is really catching my eye haha.
Ohh those are tough choices. I’d have to go with the garden yeti although I don’t have a backyard quite yet. It would go great in a living room right?
I have to admit they at least SkyMall provides some good in flight entertainment.
I’ve never purchased anything from Sky Mall but if I had to choose it would definitely be the Hooded Footie Pajamas! They would be great for the middle of winter on a snowy day.
Definitely the garden Yeti. My fiancé has an odd obsession with big foot and I think this would make a lovely wedding gift to him. Maybe should even be part of wedding decor 😐
Ha! I love looking through Sky Mall. You picked out a lot of winners, but I would have to go with the wine glass necklace. You know, for the days in which I wanted to relax with a glass of wine…while getting a manicure. They should come up with a cool shaped straw so it would be totally hands free!
I live in Canada and bought the footed pjs! They’re so comfy, dorky and really keep you warm! #noshame
I need that wine glass necklace holder in my life. It would go perfectly with my wine nozzle purse.
1) I LOOOVE New Girl and missed it the last 2 weeks, so I definitely need to catch up
2) My roommate in college had a bug vacuum and it was pretty hilarious watching her try to suck up lady bugs with it and find a place to set them free.
3) I would definitely pick the footed pjs…I got a Forever Lazy for xmas, but it’s unfortunately so huge that my fiance and I both fit into it
Hands down the Garden Yeti! The garden section of Sky Mall is my favorite; everything in it is so ridiculous!
Ha! I so love this post – New Girl and SkyMall discussion? Funniest thing to see first thing in the morning. As for the SkyMall selections, I’ll go with the footie pajamas. They may look ridiculous but they also look like the perfect gag gift for my sister!
New Girl is so awesome! Even my husband thinks it’s one of the best shows on tv
Definitely the wine neck holder! Heck yeah!
PS – we have the same orange kitchen lights!! Where do you buy replacement bulbs???!!! HELP!!
I want those footie pajamas!
And one of my fave lines from Tuesday night’s episode: “How’s your prostate? I just got a breast exam last week. It’s all good, nothing but boob in there.”
Haha, I would most definitely get the footed pajamas! (Do you watch Happy Endings? Also hilarious and it made me want pajoveralls!)
I haven’t seen New Girl yet, but with all this talk I feel like I should give it a try!
Noooo contest…wine necklace.
I’d totally go for the hooded footie pj’s! 😀
we used to have a bug zapper. it was in the shape of a tennis racket. You couldn’t MISS ’em