As the owner of a dog whose energy levels cause her to body slam into me on the reg, I cherish the moments when Sadie is tired and cuddly. Well, she’s always cuddly, but she’s an intense cuddler when she’s not sleepy. And by intense, I mean her face must be on your face. Sleepy Sadie is a much more passive cuddler and she gets this pathetic look in her eyes that melts my heart.
This morning Sadie didn’t get out of bed when we did and I think I know why. Our bed is now extra comfortable! A couple of weeks ago, I saw a sale on RueLaLa for feather bed toppers and, after a bit of research, I ordered one to place on top of our mattress to give it a little extra fluff.
When we bought our mattress, I thought it was comfortable, but it was still a little bit firm for my liking. I want to sleep on a mattress that feels like a cloud while Ryan could sleep on a hardwood floor. The mattress we ordered was a good compromise, but I still found myself yearning for a fluffy bed to crawl into at night. Ryan agreed to try the feather topper but I wasn’t sure how it would go over when we put it on top of the mattress last night. When we crawled into bed, Ryan said he still felt like he could feel the firm mattress and I felt like I was sleeping in a cushy hotel bed. Win, win. Feather toppers rule!
After a good night’s sleep, I was ready for a decent workout this morning.
I began with a 25 minute elliptical interval workout, followed by a quick circuit.
Here are a few links to demonstrations of some of the exercises:
Breakfast this morning hit the spot!
I made a batch of steel cut oats on the stovetop but I was a little heavy-handed with the milk because they were a bit soupy even after I let them simmer for a while.
I was too hungry to care and the oats weren’t chewy, so all was well.
Question of the Morning
- What kind of mattress do you prefer? Firm? “I want to sleep on a cloud” soft? Somewhere in the middle?
SOFT SOFT SOFT. And it has to be extra dark where I sleep. Even the light from an alarm clock bothers me. Sounds like you have created the Heavenly Bed, like from the Westin hotels!
The Kidless Kronicles
I like it to feel light as a cloud but I need a little support otherwise my back will hurt in the morning. Most of my friends prefer extra-firm beds so it’s always funny if I go over to visit anyone for a weekend. Ouch! I love the idea of the mattress topper though!
I love feathertop but my husband likes the really firm. We are trying to find a compromise! Also, I have a question for you…What program do you use for your cute workouts you post on here and when you put cute little things on your pictures etc?
picmonkey! i talk more about it here: it’s very user friendly!
I prefer a cloud!!!
I just bought a mattress this fall and went through so much research, tim, agonizing over what to get. I like firm (as in FIRM and does not move) but with extra softness just on the top. My dog loves to sleep on it, too 🙂
Super soft and fluffy!
look at that face!! how could you not cuddle with that face.
firm mattress all the way
I used to say firm, but I’ve grown accustomed to our softer mattress since being married. We’ve been on a few trips lately where I slept on a firm mattress, and I realized that I’m more of a soft mattress fan now. It’s much better during pregnancy too!
I like somewhere in the middle, leaning towards soft. My hubby also likes super hard. I’m just waiting for our relatively new mattress to soften up a bit with time!
Super firm. Luckily both of us like the same type of bed. We tried out our friends’ Sleep Number bed and they said “OK, we’re going to start it at the highest firmness of 100 and move it down for you till you’re comfortable” and we were both “Nope, good, 100 is awesome.”
Agreed! I bought the most firm mattress available as well. Love it.
ha! thank goodness you are the same!
I’m definitely in the “sleep on a cloud” category!
Hi there I’ve been following your blog for awhile and am learning a lot from the tips you posted on starting your own blog! Appreciate it!
I saw this cute vizsla mix at the Orange County animal shelter and thought maybe your dog would like a friend 🙂
oh my gosh, what a little sweetheart!
Oh, Sadie… I can’t get over her face!
I love a soft bed, but not so soft that you can barely turn over. I’m so happy with my mattress that I got about a year ago. I was just happy my hubs and I agreed on the same thing.
Oooo soft mattresses all the way!
I love soft mattresses. When I lived in my first apartment, it was furnished and the mattress was so dang hard! Then, after I graduated, I didn’t have money for a bed, so my roommate gave me her futon, which a super thin mattress, so all I felt were the bars beneath me. When I moved back home, all I had was an air mattress until my aunt, who works at a casino/hotel, informed us that the hotel was selling bed sets for $5 (which included a mattress and box spring). I got the newest one of the ones they picked up (seriously. It didn’t even look like it’d been slept on), and have been sleeping pretty ever since. I freaking LOVE my bed.
Middle, perhaps? Of course, this is coming from the girl who just haaaaad to have a pillowtop one.
Great circuit! i really need to incorporate more circuits into my routine, they’re such a great way to get a quick but effective workout!
I’m with Ryan on this one- I could sleep on the tile. My mattress is SUPER firm. I used to have a really crappy, worn-out mattress that gave me some back pain (gone with the mattress) and I think that killed lighter mattresses for me (even though the issue was that it was worn out, not soft). I also need to sleep with the window wide open to keep the room cool.
I’m a treat.
I love mattress toppers on a firm bed. You get the comfy squish but there is also some support under there. It’s lovely. We really need to get one.
So funny- I also prefer soft, but my boyfriend has literally slept on the floor on a few occasions when he’s had back pain! I think we will eventually switch to a tempur-pedic which will hopefully work for both of us.
I LOVE when m dogs are sleepy, so cuddly! I sleep on a tempurpedic cloud mattress, love it!
I like somewhere in the middle… Haha I think I’m like Ryan where I’d like the feather topper as long as I could feel a firm mattress below!
Sleep on a cloud soft! I graduated college a year and a half ago and bought a cheap-o mattress for my first bed cause I’m totally poor… recently I bought a decent memory foam top from Target and it makes a world of difference! Glorious! 😀
I prefer somewhere in the middle! I love hearing about Sadie. She sounds so sweet. My dogs don’t sleep with us because there’s not enough room for both of them. But I love to cuddle!!
I want a feather topper! My current mattress is crazy uncomfortable. The mattress mad on tops helps a little, but I wish it was much more cloud-like than it is.
I definitely like firm mattresses, otherwise I feel like I’m sinking into the bed – not fun!
That’s a good idea! We have a pretty firm mattress. I don’t usually notice it being uncomfortable, but whenever we stay in hotels, we’re amazed at how comfy the beds are! Perhaps we should invest in a fluffy bed topper of some sort…
it is glooooorious! highly recommended!
Oh I totally agree with you on the soft cloud mattress! I swear, the Hilton hotels always have the best and most comfortable beds.
i like firm and luckily jonny prefers firm, as well!
I used to be soft all the way, but now I am somewhere in the middle! I don’t want to completely sink in, but I would never say no to a comfy pillow top. 🙂
I want the fluffiest, softest bed ever, Please! We did the same thing you and Ryan did – compromise on a mattress, but it still wasn’t the comfy enough for me, so we’ve added a hypoallergenic down mattress topper, AND a heated mattress pad. It’s heavenly now – we turn on the heated mattress pad about 30 minutes before bed, and when we get in, it’s soooo snuggly and warm! Love it so much on a snowy winter’s night!
I think I’m somewhere in the middle. In the middle for mattress and a little bit firmer for pillows for sure! I hate those hotel pillows that feel like they just collapse when you put your head on them.
I also need it to be daaarrrk. I’ve been living in an open loft one bedroom for almost a year now and I don’t think I’ve had a decent sleep in that time. Too briiigghhtt!!
I love pillow top mattresses but I can’t STAND memory foam. I think it’s because I move around too much! Sadie is the cutest! I don’t blame her for not getting out of bed- I never want to get up.. hehe!
A feather-top mattress sounds heavenly! I must start looking for a topper!
Sleepy puppies are the best! I love soft mattresses and lots of down comforters and pillows 🙂
We have a German Shorthaired Pointer who is exactly like Sadie. Our dog, Sage, whines like a baby and shoves her face in yours and whines, she will sleep on you like that and everything. She does not lay or sleep by herself if we are home because she has to be on you, spooning with you or some other type of contact. When Sage is extra sleepy she may actually lay and sleep by herself because she is too tired to follow you around to see what you are doing.
She will even whine when she is tired because she just wants you to sit down and cuddle with her. She also does the very human sigh. I dont know if Sadie does this but sometimes (usually with certain people) you could just be sitting there on the couch, minding your own business and then all of a sudden she will body slam you and attack your face. If you yell or laugh she will kiss your face faster and faster.
i love that she whines when she’s tired to make you come sit w/ her! what a cutie!
I prefer somewhere in the middle — too soft doesn’t keep me asleep all night!
This is totally off topic, but I was wondering if you could do another Meals on Wheels post soon updating us on your experiences? I’m thinking about getting involved too and really enjoyed your earlier recaps!
yes, definitely!
I have a 9 week old vizsla, and I must admit that my favorite time is from 7:00-9:00pm when she is sleepy and cuddly. She’s super cute all the time, but even more so when she is not trying to eat my toes and chew my hair 🙂
I can’t tell what I prefer. My bed is a firm mattress, but has a (crappy old)) egg crate topper. And I like it just fine and have gotten used to a once hated firm mattress. But my boyfriend’s bed has a Brookstone feather/memory foam topper on the oldest mattress ever. I bought him it as a substitute until he buys a new mattress, but he loves it and calls it (so funny) “the cloud.” It’s definitely comfortable- but I’m still okay with mine. I think the biggest difference is that his bed is bigger, so that gives us more room and more comfort. Hard to tell. 😉
Hi I like all the workous you been posting. Do you consider today a leg day/cardio?
I bought a mattress with a built-in pillow top and love it. I’m all about a pillowy soft cloud sleeping-wise. So comfy!
At school the mattresses are super stiff so a mattress pad is a must! I like it somewhere in the middle but not too soft
I love a memory foam matteress.. we have a memory foam topper. I’m more of mix between soft and firm, Matt loves to sink in a mattress lol. We want to get that new Icomfort Mattress…I lay on one everytime we go to sams club lol… LOVE IT!
I like the thought of sleeping on a cloud! But then its hard to get up in the mornings!
As a fellow Vizsla owner, I know exactly what you mean about appreciating the sleepy moments! They are SO RARE with Lily, so they’re always cherished by me and my nap time 😉
Sleeping on a cloud sound so wonderfully comfy, but I actually prefer my mattresses a little on the firmer side. I’m also not really a big fan of having a lot of pillows – I almost sleep flat.
Looks like a good workout! Just curious how much weight do you use for the kettlebell swing and the clean and press? It looked like those are the only excercises where you would add weight.
I HAVE to have a very firm mattress – mine is a Simmons Extra Firm. I can’t stand a soft bed and definitely no feather topper – too hot! 😉
I really think i need one. What kind did you get, will my sheets fit over the feathertopper? or do i need to get new sheets?
our sheets fit over it without any problems.