Once my work day at the gym was done yesterday, I had a little bit of time before I needed to drive to my Girls On The Run practice, so I teamed up with one of my coworkers and went through this fast 30-minute total body workout:
This is another workout you can easily do at home if you have some dumbbells on hand. It’s a good one and worked my whole body in 30 short minutes. Get ready to get sweaty!
It’s a cold one in Charlotte today and someone is not a fan of temperatures in the 20s.
Yes, that is Sadie. She is protesting the cold and will surely be found tucked into her dog bed until April of next year.
Apparently I did not get the it’s so cold memo this morning, because I woke up craving one thing and one thing only: A smoothie!
I think this is probably because yesterday I declared Charlotte “too cold for smoothies,” so naturally that’s what I craved this morning. Go figure.
I made myself a peanut butter and jelly smoothie by combining the following ingredients in the blender:
- 2% Greek yogurt
- Peanut butter
- Strawberry jelly
- Frozen strawberries
- Skim milk
It was so delicious! Thankfully I loved the taste enough to make it worth shivering at my desk for 30 minutes after I was done drinking it. Maybe a cold smoothie wasn’t the best idea this morning!?
Hope you’re having a great day so far!
Not on the topic at all, but I know one of your other posts said you loved Straight No Chaser. Hopefully you’ve already seen this! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DpxYDEVIe7E
Yes!!! Love it!
Great workout! But on another note, I freaking love your dog. The way she just bundles up in a little ball hidden under blankets and covers honestly makes my day! She’s a silly little lady!
Ha! She’s definitely a goofball!! Thanks for sharing in my Sadie love! <3
I love all of your quick workouts! On a day like today when I need to run – but have no gym membership and its 20 degrees outside – this is perfect for at home! Thanks!
Same thing happened to me! After the gym this morning I was freezing my patootie but had a huge craving for a chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie. The body wants what the body wants ;).
Aw, poor Sadie! haha
I can’t even think about smoothies right now. The only liquified food I will be consuming lately is soup : )
My vizsla is also currently under a blanket on the couch. If you didn’t know she was there you would just think it was a blanket. HA #vizslaproblems
Haha!! They are little snugglers, that’s for sure!
HOW have I never thought of a PB&J smoothie?! That sounds so yummy!
Nothing else to say but LMAO at Sadie! What a character! 🙂
I can’t believe how cold it is everwhere! But sometimes you just need a smoothie! Have a good one!
Hi Julie,
I live in Calgary, Alberta and have smoothies all year long (note: even on days when it is -35 C). Nothing is stopping my ice cream and smoothies! 🙂 🙂
Awesome workout! I’ll have to give it a try!
It was really cold in Orlando yesterday and today too. I’ve found myself not making smoothies as much and navigating towards coffee. You’re smoothie looks really good!
I am seriously pinning ALL the home workouts right now, because I have zero faith in my ability to leave the house once I arrive to -30C weather! This one looks like a keeper! 🙂
I also made the mistake of making a smoothie yesterday and carrying it on my walk to school. People were giving me the side eye considering it was 16 degrees in Chicago! When cravings strike, the weather don’t matter 🙂
PB & J smoothie…yum! I had a similar smoothie this morning but it was a little tart, the peanutbutter would have made it perfect. Tomorrow maybe. Thanks for another great workout. I LOVE your workouts for when I’m feeling uninspired and need a quick sweaty workout.
A local ice cream shop was giving away free ice cream for their 30th anniversary – even though it was in the 30s, we still couldn’t pass up FREE ICE CREAM! And neither could the other 20+ people in line.
I love a workout with simple moves and simple instructions. This is a good one! Hope you warm up!
Haha sometimes I get too warm in my fuzzies that a smoothie is all that sounds good despite cold weather outside!
Love that you added jelly to your smoothie. What a great idea!
I was just wondering what to do for my cross training today– definitely trying this workout!!
I drink smoothies no matter how cold it is outside. I love them! I think maybe I need to come up with some sort of hot smoothie to satisfy my craving when it gets really cold.
Oh my goodness, Sadie curled up in her bed is the funniest thing I’ve seen all morning!! Hilarious!
That smoothie sounds absolutely delicious! I feel like I am always craving a PB&J sandwich so this smoothie would definitely do the trick!
good full body workout and the smoothie looks scrumptious ;o)
Love the workout! Quick and effective!
I love/hate jump squats! They always leave me super sore the next day! And omg, Sadie is so adorable! My cat likes to do the same thing!
I woke up so sick in the middle of the night. I had to cancel my run today. Resting up and hopefully I can get a little workout by the end of the day.
Thank you for sharing this workout! I have been trying to fit in an “at home” workout in the mornings and this will be perfect! Thanks 🙂
That’s hilarious that she bundles up like that!! Awesome workout 🙂
Poor Sadie! I hope she warms up soon! haha
Haha, that Sadie picture! Too funny 🙂
Your picture of Sadie reminded me of this article (which basically sums up my thoughts on the weather here in Ohio right now 🙂 ) http://www.theonion.com/articles/girlfriend-to-stay-underneath-blanket-for-next-5-m,34377/
Saw this and thought you might enjoy it… sorry about the profanity!
So great!!! I shared it with my local studio yesterday. Too funny!
hahaha I can’t believe sadie is under that blanket?! So bundled up! I think smoothies are def appropriate any time of the year. Maybe just make hot coffee or tea to drink with it and warm you up! 🙂
That smoothie looks so good:)
The cold temps have hit us the past two says too! I am not liking this 20 degrees. Pb and j smoothie sounds delicious though. I had a mint one this morning.
Oh my goodness Sadie is too funny!
Aww poor Sadie. I feel ya!
Haha, my dog Ruby is in almost the exact same position. Poor pups!
I LOVE Sadie’s bed and blanket! And this is so my dog too, any time it’s below like 75. Such a baby!
Sadie is precious. My Sadie does the same thing, but most of the time she’ll stick her nose out just so we know she is there and will (hopefully) cuddle with her. haha!
Omg that picture of Sadie.. how does she manage to cover her whole face?? That’s hilarious. My dog isn’t loving this cold snap either. She’s either in her crate on her bed, or laying on the fleece blanket that I surrendered to the floor because of the look she gave me last night when I told her to lay down. Ridiculous 🙂
That smoothie looks fantastic!
Our vizsla is ALWAYS under a blanket. When we leave for work, we have to get her nice and cozy or she’ll be sad (we live in Minneapolis, so its COLD).
If you haven’t already, you must check out the hashtag #doginablanket on instagram.
oh my gosh that hashtag is amazing! thank you for bringing it into my life!
Love it Julie! Again, I used this workout with my PE classes today. I had to just slightly modify it by removing the dumbbells, but they got plenty of exercise. I always know it’s good when the kids complain that I am working them too hard :).
Yay for total body workouts! I’ve been obsessed with barre and body pump the last 9 months or so, and I just love how they work your old body. So efficient for busy people. 🙂
This looks like a great workout. I’ll have to try it this weekend.
Can’t wait to try this workout. You always have the cutest print-out designs.
Love the workout!!!
I miss smoothies so much!! And that one looks amazing… Also, how did Sadie get all wrapped up like that?! Haha does she do it herself, or do you wrap her? So cute!
Hey Julie, I noticed you don’t use xantham gum or protein powder, which you seemed to always include in your smoothies. Any reason for the change-up?