Internet is on the horizon! All of this back-and-forth nonsense will hopefully stop today because I have a two-hour window on the books later this morning for our internet to be installed. Heck yes!
And speaking of internet, yesterday I randomly saw an article that featured a list of hilarious Wi-Fi names. I kind of want to adopt one of them for our new network!
Some of my favorites:
- Abraham Linksys
- The LAN Before Time (<—Memories!! Littlefoot, Petrie, Spike, Ducky, Cera! Love.)
- Bill Wi the Science Fi
- Pretty Fly for a Wi-Fi
- FBI Surveillance Van #594
- Drop It Like It’s Hotspot
- Bill Clinternet
So creative! I don’t know why things like this amuse me so much, but they do. Ryan sneakily named our previous network “Julie’s Hot Body” to embarrass me and it totally worked. It was the worst when we’d have guests over and they’d want to connect to our internet and I had to tell them that name. Now that I’m in charge of internet installation, I’m a little tempted to get him back…
Workout + Breakfast
Today’s workout was another Pure Barre burner with one of my favorite teachers. I followed the class with a hot bowl of oatmeal that I made with apple cinnamon Chex oatmeal, milk, pumpkin pie spice and my last sample packet of About Time cake batter protein powder that I got from the IDEAWorld expo.
I’m ruling that protein powder out of any future smoothies or meals. It just is not for me.
I followed breakfast up with a cappuccino from a local coffee shop since I needed to use their Wi-Fi.
Now I’m headed back home to meet the internet installation guy! Hope you guys have a great day!
Question of the Morning
- What are some of the funny/creative Wi-Fi network names you’ve encountered?
I once saw one simply called “Mr. Miyagi” which I thought was awesome. Karate Kid!
I had two different names for my two diff apartments:
1) lox stock bagel
2) high flying wi-fi
I just saw this one yesterday- Los Pollos Hermanos. My husband and I are huge Breaking Bad Fans, so this totally made me smile!
That is so great!!!
Land Before Time – what a blast from the past!!
My husband’s family named their cat Mr. Meowgi.. I always laughed at that one! haha Our wireless has always had some goofy name. I think those names are hilarious when connecting to other people, though! haha
I think I would love your husband’s family 🙂
Our last name for ours was ‘trojanvirus470.’ We changed it to that after we caught the new neighbor trying to steal our internet when we thought it was locked down. We didn’t have that problem again. 😉
At my previous apartment we were not given a choice to the name and the technician picked “Gold Moose”! It always made us laugh! So happy to see that things are coming together with your new home 🙂
Okk- Abraham Linksys is HILARIOUS. That just made my morning.
We just got new internet in our new house, and rather than have it be Xanadu like our last house (Xanadu is a cheesy-hilarious movie with Olivia Newton-John as a roller skating muse), my dad opted for SheldonAndLeonard, and was really tempted to use the password: pennyisafreeloader, but it wasn’t secure enough. We’re not THAT big of Big Bang Theory fans. 😉
Our wifi is called
“DEA Surveillance Van 27” to scare people 😀
My favorite has been “Hide Yo Kids Hide Yo Wi-Fi”
Hmm- we didn’t get to chose the name of our WI-FI and it was made our last name. How boring.
All of these are hilarious though!
Too funny that you mention this! We got wifi at the beginning of the year and my soon-to-be hubby named it “NSA Direct Line”! 🙂 The others are pretty creative too!!
Haha love those names! We went with FEDS when we got our internet awhile back!
I always love the creative names but I never do them myself. But you should TOTALLY get Ryan back! 😉
I live in the city in San Francisco so have range of a ton of crazy WiFi names, and I JUST looked at my network and found “Fat Dolphin” and “OmNomNom.” Hilarious! Those aren’t mind of course, and they are both password protected.
My friends who lived in an apartment in boston (aka lots of people around trying to get free wifi) named their (password protected) network “Free Public Wifi”.
There’s a funny wifi name in my sister’s neighborhood called “you’re welcome.” Obviously it’s not secured by a password. lol
We own two GM F-Body cars that we sometimes take to the dragstrip (a trans am and a camaro) so our wifi has been “F Bodies Go Fast.” No one bothers to ask which one is ours… just what the password is.
My sister’s boyfriend named the internet for our apartment “The Wings of Love” after a decoration we have in our living room. I only can imagine what people are thinking who see that!
We named ours Nunya, as in Nunya Business. You should totally get Ryan back. Ryan Twinkletoes maybe? haha
Haha- ours is pretty fly for a wifi! I saw one that was “hide yo kids hide yo wifi”… that was pretty hilarious!
Hhahah oh wow people are creative… I think mine is like “HOME” or something super boring. You should totally get Ryan back.
The router my roommates and I had in our college apartment automatically named the wifi “Bronze Tiger.” Whenever I would tell someone, they would always ask why we named it that and expect a funny story. Unfortunately, we didn’t have one!
Haha – those names are too funny! And Land Before Time was one of my favoriteeee movies growing up!
I do have a pretty funny story about wi-fi names. My Korean grandfather wanted to use my uncle’s wi-fi one time, but his password was “d*ckweed” (my uncle is a bit of a prankster), which my grandfather didn’t understand. So my grandfather kept asking my uncle, “what is d*ckweed, how do you spell it?”, and my uncle literally had to spell the word out for him, letter by letter. I think everyone in the room was trying to keep a straight face, but it just wasn’t happening lol!
haha these are so funny! its funny the ones that come up!
I haven’t actually encountered any that were really funny, but my boyfriend named his “Laundry Platinum” after a laundry mat/bar business idea he came up with when he was drinking with friends. I think you should do The LAN Before Time though! That brings up good memories! 🙂
Omg those internet names are hilarious!! I never thought about changing the name, I just might have to now hahaha
Hahaha I love this post.
I am currently on the WiFi connection “Fat Boy”….at work.
I always laugh when I see the list from the homes around me. Someone in my neighborhood named theirs “frustration device”. Sometimes that is so true! 🙂
In my old apartment, our wifi network name was tobiasisqueenmary. I was living with roommates in a place that had been Craigslisted over and over again, so a previous tenant had set up the wifi (when whoever had Internet moved out, someone else would take over the same account, hence the “inherited” name) and I had NO idea what it meant until Arrested Development came to Netflix and people started talking about it again — then I realized our wifi name was a reference to the show! I guess I’m out of the loop! Haha.
Since I lived in an apartment building, I could see a lot of people’s wifi network names, and one was “1809FREEALCOHOL.” I thought that was pretty funny, though I never did go to apartment 1809 to see if they would deliver on their promise 😛
Oh my goodness, come on a college campus in the dorms and you are sure to see some interesting wifi names!
When my husband and I first got married, I told him to go cheesy! So ours is Two Love Birds! hahaha
It has been so long since I’ve been to barre! I will be changing that!
Wow! I had no clue people did this. I definitely plan to join the party whenever I get to decide mine.
I might prank Cody with it too.
Let us know if you get Ryan back! That is sooo funny. I am partial to Princess Ryan of the Fairies.
DoraTheInternetExplorer is pretty funny!
The first time I went to stay with my sister-in-law (few years ago) I went to connect to their internet and one of the options was It Hurts When IP. Sure enough, it was theirs. One of my friends uses FBI Surveillance.
Haha. Some of those Wi-Fi names are pretty funny and creative!
I’m bummed to hear about that About Time Cake Batter protein powder! I got a sample that I still need to use up, and I’ve been kind of excited about it. What about it didn’t you like?
To go along with the previous comment, I used to live with a bf and he made our wifi “watching you pee”. Pretty embarrassing when friends wanted to log in!
My neighbor has “Hide Yo Kids, Hide Yo Wifi” — I laugh everytime it comes up. Ours is super boring — JACKINETWORK — since we live in a high-rise building and we seem to grab every network.
The funniest one I’ve seen recently was ‘I can haz wifi?’
I think my WiFi is something boring like Megan. It’s been so long since I’ve even looked at it after setting it up.
Mine is asparagus 🙂
When we moved into our apartment as newlyweds this year, my husband named it “Husband and Wifi,” haha 🙂
Oh my gosh that is fantastic!!!! Ha!
Wi – Fi names really crack me up too! Our is a combo of letters and numbers right now. Kind of boring really!
Whenever I see “hide yo kids hide yo wifi” I laugh
Our Internet is sirpoopalot. It’s what we call our dog.
Hahaha, oh gosh, our wi-fi is always named by my husband so it’s always got some sort of poop or penis reference in it as a joke on the neighbors who try to connect to it!
Haha. That is totally a name of wifi my husband would do too! LOL
The FBI surveillance one is a good one!
my ex named ours “get your own damn wi-fi.”
if i ever have it in my name again it will be “bitch with wi-fi” as a reference to the tv show arrow
OMG that article made me laugh out loud! “Hide yo kids, hide yo Wi-Fi” haaaa amazing. This completely made my morning, thanks! :D. Good luck installing yours!