I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend and were able to spend time with people you love doing things you enjoy… or doing absolutely nothing, because that’s fun, too!
Now let’s dive right into the day!
Treadmill Workouts
Last week I created a new page on the blog and totally forgot to tell you guys about it!
There is now a brand spankin’ new Treadmill Workouts page on the blog with tons of my favorite treadmill workouts all in one place.
I categorized the workouts into walking workouts or running/interval workouts which are sorted by the duration of the workout. I tried to include brief one-sentence descriptions of each workout so you can quickly skim the page to hopefully find the workout you’re after whether you’re in the mood to tackle incline walking, sprints or steady-state cardio.
You may find the page underneath the “Work It Out” tab at the top of the blog. The link to the Treadmill Workouts page is located right underneath the new Circuit Workouts page that I created last week.
I hope you like it!
Speaking of workouts, today’s workout was a good one!
It was my second time tackling a specific lower-body workout sent to me through the Best Body Boot Camp program.
Today’s exercise of note was the one-legged dumbbell squat.
Sure it looks basic, but the whole balance on one leg thing is quite challenging.
Last week when I attempted the move, I used two 15-pound dumbbells since that’s the weight I typically use when I do lunges. Doing one-legged squats with the dumbbells proved rather difficult and I found myself cheating the move a bit and frequently stabilized myself with my back leg.
Today I actually used no weight at all and concentrated on doing the move sloooowly and correctly and still felt the burn. I know I have a lot of work to do when it comes to stability exercises. They challenge me in a totally new way, which I love and hate at the same time.
Today’s morning meal came together nice and fast thanks to prep work last night.
I made myself a batch of overnight oats with old fashioned oatmeal, plain Greek yogurt, chia seeds, almond milk and honey.
Perfect post-workout breakfast.
Time to tackle my inbox! Enjoy your morning!
Of Possible Interest
- Metabolism-Boosting Vegetarian Meals (FitSugar.com)
- Orlando runners! This Sunday is the UCF chapter of Kappa Delta’s annual Shamrock 5K run on the UCF campus to benefit Prevent Child Abuse America and the Children’s Home Society of Florida. If you’d like to run, simply click here to register!
- Interview with Yours Truly about Snacking Habits, Healthy Eating Challenges and More! (BeeWellForLife.com)
Bonefish Grill Giveaway Winners
Congratulations to…
- # 342, Maggie: “Yuuuum the lobster and mussels look amaaaaazing! I always love the bang bang shrimp at Bonefish and my boyfriend really likes the lily’s chicken (which says a lot bc he’s not a huge chicken fan but always gets that dish)! I am dying to try that lobster and the sea bass sounds pretty darn tasty as well! Now I’m in the mood for some seafood and it’s 11 am.”
- #775, Ellie: “I’d love to try the bang bang shrimp! I’ve heard such great things about Bonefish Grill! Great giveaway!”
Please email me at pbfingers@gmail.com with your mailing address and I’ll send you your $25 gift certificates today!
I love your sneakers! The pink is so cute! 🙂 Breakfast looks yummy! I haven’t had overnight oats in so long.
One legged squats scare me… I have no coordination at all! Love those sneaks btw!
Those one -legged squats are something SERIOUS. I had to balance myself quite a few times, too. Love the burn, though!
so my sister told me she completed this really awesome treadmill workout this past weekend and she said she found it “on this one blog peanut butter fingers.” i was like omg i love that blog! haha she’s so slow to discover great things sometimes… 😉
how cool!!! i love this! 🙂
So have to try that new move! I can see myself falling over!
Ooh I love the look of the singe legged dumbell squat, and I’m sure my butt will just loooove the feel of it too lol! Have a great Monday Julie!
I have shied away from one-legged deadlifts for so long…time I get over it! You wrote: “Doing one-legged lunges with the dumbbells”…sorry to nit-pick I think you meant “one-legged deadlifts” – I thought you’d want to change it to avoid confusion
whoops! i meant one-legged “squats!” just edited the post. thanks, khushboo!
Sure thing! But now I feel flaky for mixing up deadlifts and squats :)!
it’s monday. 😀
Those one-legged dumbbell squats are killer! I teach a boot camp class where we do them frequently and they are well known as being pretty deadly! 🙂
I love the treadmill work out page! It is so nice to have it all right there in one place. Can’t wait to use it for some motivation 🙂
Can’t wait to check out the treadmill page. I’m always looking for something to help beat the monotany of the treadmill!
The treadmill workout page is great! I will definitely be referencing it a lot. One thing – I think you meant for your link to say “You may find the page underneath the “Work It Out” tab at the top of the blog underneath the new Treadmill Workouts page” instead of “underneath the new Circuit Workouts” page 🙂
i actually did mean to say “underneath the new circuit workouts page” b/c the “treadmill workouts” page is right under that page and i thought that would make it easy for people to find since i just posted the circuit workouts page last week. i didn’t realize it would be confusing! i’ll revise the wording.
Oh no, my mistake – sorry about that!
just changed the wording! thanks for letting me know! if it confused you, i’m sure it would confuse others! 🙂
Thanks for making an easy way to find your workouts! 🙂
Also, I tried my first overnight oats batch a few days ago and I’m officially hooked. Love it!
You will feel it in your core later as well. Tough moves.
The Kidless Kronicles
LOVE one-legged squats!!
I did that move with 2 10lb dumbells last week and that plus the rest of that workout had me so sore for DAYS! I nixed workout A this week and did extra upper body this morning because I need my legs fresh and ready for my first half marathon on Sunday!
Thats definitely a good move for those little stability muscles!
Those one legged squats are killer!
Those look so hard! My coordination is only ok at best but my flexibility is awful as I discovered painfully this weekend! Yay for new moves to try!
One legged squats make me feel like such a tool. I have no balance whatsoever, so this is a move I tend to only try at home (no need for me to fall face first into people at the gym!)
That move is so challenging, but you feel really strong when you get it down! 🙂
Cool, can’t wait to try out some of the new treadmill workouts! And add some one-legged squats into my routine – they look tough!!
one legged squats are pretty tough! i always feel kind of awkward when i’m doing them, but they sure do work great.
thank you for making the list! makes it so much easier now and no excuse to why i can’t beat the treamill boredum monster;)
I can feel my legs just shakin’ thinking about this! Tomorrow is a lower body day for me … I think this needs to get added into the routine!
one legged squats make me pray for death.
One-legged anything is ROUGH in my book. Lunges, squats, heck—even standing on one leg–all out of the question. Guess that means I really need to work on my balance.
I’ve been having trouble with all the balancing too!
Julie – great interview!! As a Dietiian in the Eating Disorder treatment field, it’s great to see you discussing the importance of having a healthy relationship with food. Keep up the awesome work!!
Breakfast looks good. This morning I had my green smoothie (coconut water w/ frozen mangos/bananas, sambazon acai berry packs and spinach- very refreshing.)
I look forward to reading your interview w/ Bee Life. I’ll have to read it later on tonight after I get home from my 2nd job.
BTW- do you have any reccomendations for strenght training at home? I need to start toning but I don’t belong to the gym. My “home” gym consist of dumbells and walking shoes.
Hi Julie, quick question how did you like “Wither”? I’m looking for a new book after reading all three from the Hunger Games in three weeks.
The treadmill page looks awesome! I will definitely incorporate some of those workouts when I am preparing for my 5k.
Excited about the treadmill page! You can never have to many treadmill ideas.. those will definitely come in handy! 🙂
one legged squats are great!! u definitely have to watch form though they can be tough. ive seen people lower all the way down to the ground!! im not even close to that haha
I actually tried on those Nike shoes this weekend while lookng for new shoes. I went with Brooks though.
Just browsing Cooking Light’s website looking for dinner ideas tonight and found this…
Peanut butter smoothies 🙂
Great interview! I agree… nothing is better than ice cream if you’re stranded on a deserted island!