Good morning from Charlotte! I made it back to Charlotte in the early evening on Saturday and Ryan and I spent the remainder of the weekend exploring our new hometown. We’ve had no trouble locating lots of hiking trails and dog-friendly parks which is fabulous! Sadie had a ball playing fetch in the lake yesterday…
Frozen Homemade Lasagna
It’s official! An application is in! Late this afternoon, I scrambled to fill out the rental application for the house with a pool in Ocala and get a money order for $50 to drop off at the realtor’s office. Why was I scrambling? Apparently another couple is interested in the same house and now that…
Orlando: My Three Homes
Mouse in the House
When Ryan and I arrived at the gym, we hopped on side-by-side treadmills to begin our workouts. Within 30 seconds, I hopped off, declaring I “just wasn’t feeling it.” I chose an elliptical beside Ryan’s treadmill instead and peddled away for 30 minutes, thinking I would then head upstairs to take a 6 a.m. yoga…
No, not housekeeping… Blogkeeping! Today has been dedicated to more email organization and updating blog pages I’ve severely neglected. Smoothie Recipe Page Work Out Page Blogroll I want to update those pages further, but first I think I’ll tackle some of the other pages… like my Q&A and Favs pages. Now those bad boys are…

Though we’ve spent all afternoon and evening in our apartment (except for a quick 30-minute walk with Sadie), we’ve been busy! Our apartment went from this… To this… We were both starting to feel like our apartment was looking a little blah and decided to flip flop our “dining room” and our “living room.” I…